Take the Test


Over 187 Million people have Diabetes
but don't know it yet

Find out your risk today!

How old are you?



What is your waist size?

< 35 inches
(< 88.9 cm)

>= 35 - 39 inches
(>= 88.9 cm - 99.06 cm)

>= 40 inches
(>= 101.6 cm)

What is your current level of physical activity?


Little to
no excercise


Min 30 min/Day
2-3 times a week


Min 30 min/Day
3-5 times a week


Min 30 min/Day
All days of a week

Do any of your family members have Diabetes?

No one is Diabetic

One parent is Diabetic

Both parents are Diabetic

- % chances


You have low risk of diabetes.

1. We notice you're at a low risk, but there's still a percentage on the meter. Time to get on your feet and get active!

2. We notice you're at a low risk, so start preventing before its too late. Get on, get out those leaves and start munching on the natural goodies of the earth.

3. Low risk, is it? That's good to know but make sure to eliminate the risk completely. Let's start that by becoming conscious of getting ample sleep, fluids and physical activity.

You have Medium risk of diabetes

1. Ah! You're at a medium risk for diabetes, aren't you? Time to bring out those fruits and vegetables and time to avoid those trans fats, saturated fats and sugars!

2. We notice you're at a medium risk for diabetes. If you have that flab and extra fat, bust it out by moving your body and indulging in exercise.

3. Medium risk, is it? Are you getting those 7 hours of sleep everynight? Poor sleep and sleep deprivation can increase the risk for diabetes and obesity. Make sure you revitalize your body with those midnight dreaming.

You have high risk of diabetes.

1. We see that you're at a high risk for diabetes. Why not start tapping your feet and moving your body to your favorite tunes? Start by dancing to your favorite songs daily and you'll get a good exercise. Keep that heart rate up, and you're good to go!

2. Looks like you are at a high risk for diabetes. A cause for stress, right? But no! Stress response triggers the release of several hormones that might peak your blood sugar levels. Take deep breaths and let out your stress with meditation! It'll help you cope with it better.

3. Looks like you're at a high risk for diabetes. Why not change your ways and reduce your risk? Start small, start anew - exclude all the carbonated and sugary drinks. Replace them with the au naturale, and our favorite - Water. Replenish your body every hour by drinking 10-12 glasses everyday.